On November 6, 1979, the voters of St. Louis County adopted section 6.040 of the St. Louis County Charter to establish a Fire Standards Commission. The Commission is composed of seven County residents appointed by the County Executive, subject to confirmation by the County Council.
Two members are required to be elected fire protection districts. One member is required to be a chief of a fire protection district and one member is required to be a director. Two members are required to be elected municipal officials. One member is required to be a citizen who is neither a fire chief, a fire protection district director, or an elected municipal official.
The Commission is supported by an Administrator and an Administrative Assistant. Per the County Executive, the Administrator of the Commission also serves as the Director of the St. Louis County Fire Training Center.
As mandated by the County Charter, the Commission pledges that every firefighter employed by the 43 municipal fire departments and fire protection districts in St. Louis County will be trained to the established standards to ensure professional, quality, and uniformed firefighting and the safety and well-being of our citizens and firefighters.
The St. Louis County Fire Standards Commission determines when applications are released and sets the minimum standards. For admissions information, please go to the Application Process page on this website. To request an Information Packet, please email Diane Snopek at dsnopek@stlouisco.com or call 314-889-8690.
Members of the St. Louis County Fire Standards Commission are:
Mr. Sylvester Taylor, II, Chairperson Chief Jim Silvernail, Member Mr. Tim Flora, Member Mr. Vaughn Rooks, Member Mr. Joseph W. Larrew, Member
The St. Louis County Fire Standards Commission office staff is:
Mr. Dean Everett, Executive Director, 314-889-8699 Mrs. Diane Snopek, Administrative Assistant, 314-889-8690